Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Media Concept 2 - Media Language

Semiotics -
Denotation - What's there
Connotation - What is behind it

Signs and symbols are like words, they have no physical bearing or relation to what they actually represent. It is us who create the meaning.

Ideology - A dominant set of ideas which present themselves as fact and truth.

Roland Barthes looked at how ideologies and myths become so embedded in our culture that we no longer realisethat they exist, and are not fact. Barthes coined the term semiotics: the study of signs and symbols, what they mean and how we, readers, make meaning.

Denotation - Skull and bones.
Connotations - Pirate sign. Poison, Military, Spanish cemetry.

Interpellation - Louis Althissers idea that media products lead us to make false recognition of ourselves so that we get lost in the idea of ourselves that will never actually be possible.

Can this theory be applied in today's theory? Yes it can because the media influences our views about ourselfs.

What types of media are good examples of using this theory? Magazine and advertising campains use photoshopped images to give out this idea of the 'perfect look' which everyday women cannot achieve so it effects their confidence.

Ideology - An ideology can be thought to be the perfect vision. A set of ideas, visions, and aims that direct one's goal, expectations, and actions.

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